Podcast sign that is purple and blue sitting on a table

Video Podcast Host: The Ultimate Guide For Hiring Your Next Host

What is a video podcast host?

According to Wiki a video podcast host is A person who is a guest host on a podcast to help the owner grow the podcast.

In the ever-evolving world of digital content, video podcasts have become increasingly popular.

A video podcast combines the audio experience of a traditional podcast with the visual element of video, creating a more engaging and immersive experience for viewers.

To ensure the success of your video podcast, it is crucial to hire the right host who possesses the necessary skills, charisma, and expertise.

This ultimate guide will walk you through the process of hiring your next video podcast host, providing valuable insights, tips, and considerations along the way.

The Importance of a Video Podcast Host

A video podcast host plays a pivotal role in the success of your podcast.

They are not only responsible for delivering the content but also act as the face and voice of your brand.

A skilled and engaging host can captivate your audience, build trust, and establish a loyal following.

With the right host, your video podcast has the potential to stand out from the competition and attract a larger audience.

Qualities to Look for in a Video Podcast Host

When searching for a video podcast host, it is essential to consider certain qualities that will contribute to the overall success of your podcast.

Here are some key qualities to look for:

  • Charisma: A host with charisma can connect with the audience on a deeper level, making the content more relatable and engaging.
  • Good Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial for a host to convey ideas, interview guests, and facilitate discussions.
  • Subject Matter Expertise: Depending on the nature of your podcast, a host with knowledge and expertise in the relevant field can bring valuable insights and credibility.
  • Adaptability: The ability to adapt to various topics, formats, and interview styles ensures that the host can handle diverse content and keep the audience interested.
  • Strong Interviewing Skills: A skilled host knows how to ask thought-provoking questions, listen actively, and steer conversations in a meaningful direction.
  • Reliability: Consistency is key in podcasting. Look for a host who is committed, punctual, and reliable in delivering episodes on time.
  • Finding the Right Fit: Where to Search

Now that you understand the qualities to look for in a video podcast host, it’s time to explore where you can find the perfect fit.

Here are some places to search:

  • Professional Networks: Reach out to your professional network, industry associations, and communities to find individuals who may be interested in hosting your podcast.
  • Social Media Platforms: Utilize platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to search for potential hosts. Engage with relevant communities and groups to connect with individuals passionate about your podcast’s niche.
  • Podcasting Directories: Podcasting directories such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts have sections where potential hosts showcase their skills and expertise.
  • Industry Events and Conferences: Attend industry events, conferences, and workshops related to your podcast’s topic. Network with speakers and attendees who may be interested in becoming your podcast host.

Interviewing Potential Hosts

Once you have identified potential hosts, it’s time to conduct interviews to assess their suitability. Here are some interview tips:

  • Prepare Questions: Develop a list of well-thought-out questions that will help you gauge the candidate’s qualifications, personality, and fit for your podcast.
  • Listen Attentively: Pay close attention to how the candidate responds to your questions. Are they articulate, engaging, and enthusiastic?
  • Ask for Samples: Request samples of their previous work, such as podcast episodes or interviews they have conducted. This will give you a better understanding of their hosting style and capabilities.
  • Consider Chemistry: Assess how well you and the potential host connect during the interview. The chemistry between the host and the podcast creator is crucial for a successful collaboration.

Assessing Communication Skills

Communication skills are paramount for a video podcast host.

They need to effectively convey ideas, engage with guests, and connect with the audience.

Here’s how you can assess a candidate’s communication skills:

  • Conduct Mock Interviews: Set up a mock interview scenario where the candidate can demonstrate their ability to conduct engaging interviews.
  • Evaluate Listening Skills: Gauge their listening skills by observing how well they respond to your questions and follow-up queries.
  • Look for Non-Verbal Cues: Pay attention to their body language and facial expressions during the interview. A host with good non-verbal communication skills can enhance the overall viewer experience.

Technical Competence and Equipment

To deliver a high-quality video podcast, a host needs to be technically proficient and equipped with the necessary tools. Consider the following aspects:

  • Audio and Video Quality: Ensure that the candidate has access to professional-grade audio and video equipment to deliver clear and crisp recordings.
  • Editing Skills: While not mandatory, having basic editing skills can be beneficial. A host who can edit their own content can save time and resources.

Remember to discuss technical requirements with potential hosts to ensure they meet your podcast’s standards.

Understanding the Target Audience

A successful video podcast caters to its target audience.

When evaluating potential hosts, consider their understanding of your audience and ability to resonate with them.

A host who can connect with the audience on a personal level can drive engagement and build a loyal fanbase.

Negotiating Terms and Contracts

Before finalizing a video podcast host, it is essential to negotiate terms and have a well-drafted contract in place.

Consider the following aspects:

Payment: Determine a fair payment structure that aligns with the host’s experience, expertise, and the podcast’s budget.

Contract Duration: Decide on the duration of the contract, ensuring both parties have a clear understanding of their commitments.

Ownership and Rights: Define ownership rights and usage rights for the content produced during the podcast. Ensure that intellectual property rights are protected.

It is advisable to consult with a legal professional to draft a comprehensive contract that protects both parties interests.

Assessing Experience and Expertise

Experience and expertise are valuable assets for a video podcast host. Look for candidates who have:

  • Previous Hosting Experience: Consider hosts who have prior experience hosting podcasts or conducting interviews. They are likely to have developed valuable skills and a strong presence.
  • Knowledge of the Topic: If your podcast focuses on a specific niche or industry, prioritize candidates who have in-depth knowledge and expertise in that field.
  • Guest Network: A host with a broad network of industry experts and potential guests can add value to your podcast. They can bring in diverse perspectives and attract high-profile guests.

Building a Strong Personal Brand

A video podcast host acts as a representative of your brand.

It is crucial to select a host who can build a strong personal brand aligned with your podcast’s goals. Look for candidates who are:

  • Authentic: Authenticity is key to building trust and credibility. Find a host who can be genuine and connect with the audience on a personal level.
  • Consistent: Consistency in content delivery, branding, and engagement is essential. Look for hosts who can commit to a regular podcasting schedule.
  • Engaging on Social Media: In today’s digital landscape, social media plays a significant role in promoting podcasts. Choose a host who is active on social media platforms and can leverage their online presence to drive engagement.

The Value of Professionalism

Professionalism is crucial for a video podcast host.

They represent your brand and must maintain a high level of professionalism throughout their interactions.

Consider candidates who:

  • Are Reliable and Punctual: Timeliness is essential for podcast production. Choose hosts who value punctuality and can consistently deliver episodes on time.
  • Display Professional Demeanor: Assess their ability to handle challenging situations, conflicts, or disagreements professionally.
  • Have Good Work Ethics: A host with a strong work ethic can ensure a smooth and efficient podcasting process.

Handling Difficult Situations

As with any endeavor, challenges may arise during the podcasting journey.

A skilled host should be able to handle difficult situations gracefully.

Consider candidates who:

  • Can Manage Conflicts: Evaluate their ability to resolve conflicts, whether it’s with guests, team members, or other stakeholders.
  • Stay Calm Under Pressure: Look for hosts who can remain composed and level-headed during unexpected situations or technical difficulties.
  • Adapt to Change: Flexibility is crucial in the fast-paced world of podcasting. Choose hosts who can adapt to changes in formats, topics, or schedules without compromising the quality of the content.

Final Thoughts

Hiring the right video podcast host is essential for the success of your podcast.

By considering qualities such as charisma, communication skills, expertise, and professionalism, you can find a host who can engage your audience, build trust, and represent your brand effectively.

Utilize the tips and insights provided in this ultimate guide to navigate the hiring process and make an informed decision that sets your video podcast up for success.


How do I find the right video podcast host for my podcast?

Finding the right video podcast host involves considering qualities such as charisma, communication skills, subject matter expertise, adaptability, and reliability.

Explore professional networks, social media platforms, podcasting directories, and industry events to find potential hosts. Conduct interviews, evaluate their communication skills and technical competence, and assess their understanding of your target audience before making a decision.

What technical equipment should a video podcast host have?

A video podcast host should have access to professional-grade audio and video equipment to ensure high-quality recordings.

This includes microphones, cameras, headphones, and editing software. While not mandatory, having basic editing skills can be beneficial.

How important is a host’s experience and expertise?

Experience and expertise are valuable assets for a video podcast host.

Prioritize hosts with previous hosting experience, knowledge of the topic, and a network of industry experts.

They bring valuable skills, credibility, and diverse perspectives to your podcast.

What role does a video podcast host play in building a personal brand?

Podcast sign that is purple and blue sitting on a table

A video podcast host acts as a representative of your brand.

They contribute to building a strong personal brand by being authentic, consistent, and engaging on social media platforms.

Choose hosts who align with your podcast’s goals and can leverage their online presence to drive engagement.

How can a host handle difficult situations during podcasting?

A skilled host should be able to handle difficult situations gracefully.

This includes managing conflicts, staying calm under pressure, and adapting to change.

Look for hosts who possess these qualities and can maintain a professional demeanor throughout the podcasting journey.

What are some tips for negotiating terms and contracts with a video podcast host?

When negotiating terms and contracts, determine a fair payment structure, define the contract duration, and establish ownership and usage rights.

It is advisable to consult with a legal professional to draft a comprehensive contract that protects both parties’ interests.